The Eye that never skips a thing

Monday, October 09, 2006

Why is the library?

why have been libraries built?

The defination according to a online search is

In its traditional sense, a library is a collection of books and periodicals. It can refer to an individual's private collection, but more often, it is a large collection that is funded and maintained by a city or institution. This collection is often used by people who choose not to, or can not afford to purchase an extensive collection themselves

Now the defination i can see in front of my eyes.. is

a library is a place where couples can meet a cuddle in all the different aisle you can think of.. imagine my condition ..

a couple od desi guys tytring to flirt bug time with a few desi chicks .... ..kissies flying in the air.. like a mad person .. why the hell do they have to do it in front of 100 other people cant they find a great decent room to do it... man this is bad

6 ppl

1 couple

the rest flirting thier life away


  • yeah i guess what u say is quite right

    By Blogger Unknown, at 5:38 AM  

  • well still not in our coll i guess...but ya some times ppl come here 4 rest!!

    literally !!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:17 PM  

  • r u jealous or frustrated? hahaha

    By Blogger Gva!, at 5:25 AM  

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