The Eye that never skips a thing

Thursday, December 08, 2005

How difficult is it to wake up!!!!

I know that some people reading my blog will be very suprised to hear that i cant wake up early in the morning and go to attend college at 7:15 in the morning..

I know if this read by some one in my college all they are going to say is that they getup earlier than what i do and still manage to come on time.. and i like a lazy fat ass doesnt even care to come even if i stay more closer than 90% of the class people. My class is a place that is so full of controversies that had it been liquid than the ocean would have been smaller to fill it up.

Some people have some dumb ego clashes and some have attitude problem some think that the other person is a dumba and to arrogant and aggressive and the other feels that that person is a big time Foolish person and has no sense at all.

I do support the person who thinks that the others are fools coz to an extent he is true and also is my good friend. But still you have some kind of controversies and also that there are some places where the past plays a big role in the whole story......

Well the only thing I can be happy about is that I am luky enough not to be involved in any controversies currently though I had a share of my cake before but I think i have already excreated it out a long time back.

These controversies is very funny to be on the viewers end but very hurting when you are at the receving end of it.

But all this has a bit of point ... That is all people have some thing or the else but they dont take it a higher level... Like some stupid characters undertake........


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