Are we guys the weakest link ?
Frankly, I think it's one of the most over rated relationships (GF - BF)
I mean why should a guy listen to the girl, just to get her smile ?
Suddenly out of no-where the girl becomes a top priority for the guy's life. He starts skipping work, starts going against everyone because "she" said so, he starts caring about her more than he cares about himself, starts forgetting his friends, starts forgetting who he actually is.
There should be guidelines if you ask me, on such kind of relationships, where the guy should be kicked in his ball sack where he decides to act desparate.
I'll state an example, to give you guys a better outlook towards this (this is true)
(Scene: He's out with his friends, drinking)
Guy: {Talking to his friends} ... Phone Rings. (It's his girl friend)
Guy moves away from his friends (First sign of being a freaking coward)
Girl: What you doing ?
Guy: Umm... Nothing just out with a few friends nothing important
Girl: Aha, Ok... I just called to see if your free
Guy: Yeah Im kinda getting bored anyways (He is having a fucking ball of a time)
Girl: Ohh ok, I think you should carry on, I just called to ask if your free we could go out.
Guy:Oh Yes Yes ! ... I'm free... (Fucking Desperado)
Girl: Hmmmm......
Guy: So Should I pick you up ?
Girl: You sure, don't want to come in between anything (Yeah right, you planted the bloody seed)
Guy: No No No ... Not between anything ... Ill pick you up in 20 - 25 (min)
Girl: Sweet, buzz me when you get down
Guy runs down to his friends picks up his jacket and keys leaves his friends who were expecting a lift from back home deserted and says ... Dude .. please understand !
No mate, I don't want to understand... How fucking weak are you, can't even stand up to your own girlfriend and speak back to her with a simple "No, Honey I'm a bit busy with my mates" ..."I'll call you when i'm done"
Please understand ... You imbecile, why should we understand you infantile pillock, we did not ditch you when you were heart broken and crying like a baby when she last one left you, we didn't ditch you when you lost your job, didn't ditch you when you needed us to stand by you... and you expect us to understand... ?
Are we guys seriously the weakest link? We can not even stand up and tell a girl "No", for what reasons sexual, intimate company ...?
I think we men have in this age become so desperate to get any or as much action as we can get that we have forgotten what it mean to be a man, while its obvious that the females have figured out that we can go to any extent in getting attention from them and they certainly are making good use of the same. We men have forgotten to think with the brain lying above our waistline and not the one below it...
While I completely agree that the guy should respect his stature, and be the person who picks up the cheque while out on a dinner, drink or a vacation. Nothing wrong in that, it's simply coined as chivalry. But to forget your friends and family for anyone, is not a good deed ... or is it in this world now ?
This article is not written to offend anyone or not even is directed to anyone, it's simply to show we men what we have become.